Krishiv Bags offers a full basket of products including but not limited to luggage bags, travel totes, sports bags, duffel bags, backpacks, school bags, college bags, messenger bags, office bags, hand bags, pouches and many other accessories. The Company designs and manufactures these bags using tough fabrics such as nylons and polyesters, coated with special chemicals to add strength and make it waterproof. The bags are designed to be user friendly with varied functionality combining style with comfort. Krishiv Bags is not only the OEM for certain brands but also manufactures bags in large quantities for large corporate & multinationals in various industries like IT, pharmaceuticals, insurance, to name a few, and also educational institutions providing world class design, highly competitive pricing, fast turnarounds and exceptional product quality. We are focused to achieve customer satisfaction which is our main aim too. Krishiv Bags has gained excellence to provide full guarantee for handling bulk orders and delivering high quality bags. Our company works with a team of expert with years of experience and excellence of relevant field team to covet and fulfills the customer’s requirements. We have gained a long listing of clientele just because of our quality products and on-time delivery.
Plastic Files, Plastic Folders, Diary Covers, Ring Binders, Seminar Files, Seminal Folders, Complimentary Bags, Laptop Bags, Conference Bags, Office Bags, Jute Bags, Coin Sheets, Note Sheets, Con Albums,